India is a land of orient civilization with its own rich heritage, culture, languages, faiths, , philosophy, epics and scriptures, that evolved over along period of time. In the evolutionary process of the society; kings, ministers, commanders, saints, sages, mystics, ascetics, warriors, scholers, researchers, artists contributed richly to the progress of civilization in divergent aspects. Sage Vedavyasa was the fore most scholer of bygone era, who recorded the historic story of Kuru dynasty at its more crusial period in the Epic Mahabharata, magnum opus of Indian scriptures. Its 1,60,000 verses depict the noble deeds of great men who stood firm on the highest moral pedestal to safe guard the highest truth. It also describes the misdeeds of the cruel and greedy men. Members of the same clan fought aginsst each other leading to self destruction.
One of the valuble part of Mahabharatha is the Bhagavad Gita, containing the mesage of Sri Krishna to Arjuna, the foremost warrior of Panduva army, who was reluctant to fight against his own preciptors, relatives, sages, and teachers. Sri Krishna's doctrine as explained in The Gita elucidiated different methods to acheive the desired objectives in human life, that ulltimately lead to prosperity in the present life and liberation at the end. Gita was tse message of Sri Krishna to Arjuna, in the battlefield of Kurushetra, who was in a confuced mind, to prompt him to fight the holy wasr aginst the evil forced of Kavravas.
The theory of Karma Yoga as exponded in The Gita is an important part of Mahabharatha that deals exaustively acion oriented practices, that does not bring sorrow and frussteration to humans the root cause of sorrow and misery in the world due to the stigma of sin, resulting from attachments to the results and benifits derived for the work one discharges with selfish motive. Hence didicated karma performed as a sacrifice, and the resuotant benifits offered as a worship to God absolves the doeer from the miseries of life. Such persn leads a contended life and reches the goel with out any harm caused to others. Right action done by an individual makes him a Karma yogy and lead him furher to be a Nishkama karmayogi. As he does all his karma in the name of God, he is blessed by the Almighty. This was the basic mesage from Sri Krishna to Arjuna, in the battle field of Kurushektra, the message is of universal significance.
During the month of October 2006, major planets Rahu moved from Pisces to Aquarius, Ketu from Vigo to Leo on 12-10-2006: Jupiter moved from Libra to Scorpio on 27-10-2006, and Saturn moved from Cancer to Leo on 31-10-2006, these transts have great impact on all individials on the basis of Astrology. Results of Rahu and Ketu are similar to Saturn and Mars. respectively. During the present trnsit of the planets one important factor is that all the planets transited form the previous sign from 12-10-2006 to 31-10-2006. This is a rare occurence.
For accurate results the present Dasa and Sub-dasa period in the individual horoscope also to bsse considered in addition to transits of planets. It is also important to mention that Jupiter is consideresd as the most benefic planet and Saturn the most malefic planet to produce results, Hoever it may be understood that depending on the positioning, transit and aspect of Jupiter, also produces malefic resultsto indivisuals. Similarly Saturn too provides very much favourable results, depending on its positioning, transit, and aspects. Hence both planets effect favourable and /or unfavorable results. The positioning of planets in various signs during their transit also needs to be considered. Juiter gives favourable results in second, fifth, seeventh, ninthe and eleventh houses. Saturn gives favourable results in 3rd, 6th and 11th houses. The positioning of planets in ruling, exaltation, friendly, neutral, enemy and debilitated houss also to be taken into consideration in addition to aspet for accuracy of predictions
ccuraacy of predcrions.
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