Friday, December 22, 2006

GEMINI:[Mithuna] Mrigasira,3,4 Aridra, Punarvasu 1,2,3.Gemini is the third sign of the Zodiac, is an Airy and common Sign represented by the symbol Twins; consequently the natives exhibit practical and ideal qualities, that is dual natured. Mercury is the ruling planet of this sign and the prosperity in the lives of the natives born under this Sign greatly depend upon the position of Mercury in their horoscopes.
So far it was a very bad period for the natives born under this sign, as they were under the spell of the seven and half years of sade- sathi of Saturn. On 31-10-2006 Saturn moved to the third house Leo. But again it moves back to Cancer due to retrogression on 13-1-2007, and remains there till it moves back to Leo on 16-7-2007. Jupiter is positioned in the sixth house Scorpio that is not a very favorable event. Rahu is in Aquarius, the ninth house of luck that is not very favorable. To some extent the position of Ketu is favorable. Hence till the Saturn transits to Leo on 16-7-2006, the situation is not bright. During this period the natives continue to experience negative results unless the dasa and sub-dasa periods and yoga as per the birth charts are favorable. Unnecessary expenditures, dispute with relatives, transfer to undesired places, leaving place of residence, aimless wandering, and enmity with neighbors, and illness to family members are foreseen during this period. The aspect of Jupiter to the tenth house Pisces will lessen the difficulties in professional affairs, and the aspect to the 12th house will enable the natives to tide over unwanted expenditure and the aspect to 2nd house Cancer where Saturn is positioned will reduce the intensity of ill effects. Marriages to eligible persons will take place, provided there is favorable planetary position in the horoscope of the concerned natives. This is a period where caution is needed in all activities. Saturn moves back to 3rd house Leo and from 16-7-2007 the natives can experience favorable results. Now they are off from the grip of sade sathi, that was troubling them for a long time Now a new spirit of life has dawned on them. Saturn in the 3rd house gives much needed strength to enter into new projects, business will prosper, associates and partners will co-operate, there will be harmony in the family life, and wealth will increase. Court cases will end in success. Artists and actors will get better recognition, and honor. Transsfer to desired polaces will be a possibility. Unemployed can get appointments. Immovable properties could be acquired. Investments will yield better profits. Students will do well in their studies. Eligible persons will get married, and child birth in the family is also foreseen. Performing auspicious events in the family pilgrimages are also foresee. How ever for the positioning of Jupiter in the 6th house and Rahu in the 10th house it is advised to seek remedial measures. Greetings for a happy life in the new year.


Thursday, December 21, 2006

TAURUS [Rishabha} Kritiga 2,3,4, Rohini, Mrigasira 1,2: Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac,is a fixedd Sign and earthy element. The Sign is represented by the symbol Bull, with horn, that jumps frociously and also a sumissive animal under the yoke. If the Sign is associated or influenced by feminine planets the natives exibit feminnine qualities. Rahu and Ketu are in the Signs of Aquarius and Leo respectively, Jupiter is in Scorpio and Saturn is located in Leo. But Saturn moves back to Cancer on 13-1-2007, the third house to Taurus, and stays there till 16-7-2007, and moves back to Leo the fourth house. Rahu in the tenth house is not favourable for proffession related matters. Ketu in the Sign of Leo is also not benedicial. The position of Jupiter in the 7th friendly house Scorpio is ver beneficial. Saturn in the third house is also verry helpful, till it moves to Leo. Due to the position of Jupiter in a friendly Sign and just behind its ruling Sign Sagittarius is vey auspecious and is sure to result in many typs of favourable events to the natives. Auspecious events suach as marriage, and child birth will take place in the family. Delayed marriages will also tke place at this period. The aspect of Jupiter to the eleventh house Pisces will result in gains form investments and from immovable properties. Students will advance in their educaional pursuits Professionals in engineering, medicine and accounts will prosper. Those in arts and crafts and acting will also have a good time. Name and fame will come to them. Officials can expect promotions and posting to the desired places. Jupiter aspects the first house Taurus, and this wll result in personal advancement, health and lifestyle improvements. Immoveble property and vehicales could be acquired. How ever the transit of Sturn to Leo the fourth house is not a favorable event. Those Who are running favourable dasa and sub-dasa period and having favourable yogas as per their birth charts will have good time. Any way it is adviced to seek apropriate remedial measures, and protiate the planet Saturn by visiting temples dedicated to thet planet,or get rituals done at such places by offerings. In South India there are temples dedicated to all the nine planets at various locations.


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The predictions are made for the individuals based on the Moon sign, as indicated in the Horescopes concerned. During the year 2007, major planets Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Jupiter moved into the present signs during the month of October 2006. Saturn now in the sign of Leo will be moving back to Cancer on 13-1-2007, and will remain there till 16-7-2007 and moves to Leo again. The prediction are based on the transit of the planets in various houses from the moon sign and that is the proceedure followed for annual predictions. Given below are the predictions for all the 12 signs of the Zodiac for the year 2007.
ARIES [Mesha], Aswini, Bharani, Kritikga-1st part. This is the first sign of the Zodiac and form this point all astrological calculations are made. This is a movable and fiery sign, and the symbol being the Ram. Sun enters this sign on the first day of the month of Mesha, corrsponding to the 14th of April every year and moves through all the 12 signs of the zodiac in a year. Mars is the ruling planet and Sun is in exaltation in this sign. The persons born in this sign are quick to respond and are capable of over comming any obstracles comming in the way to complete the task once under taken. This sign has its particular significance as Jupiter is the lord of the 9th house Sagittarius, the house of luck. and the lord of the 12 house Pisces the house for loss and expenditure. Jupiter that was in the 7th house Libra earlier has moved in to the 8th house Scorpio and now positioned here. This is not a favourable event for Aries born natives. Saturn that was in the 5th house Leo at the begining of the year again moves back to Cancer on 13-1-2007 and remains there till 16-7-3007. This transit is also not favourable. However the movement of Rahu from the 12th house Pisces to Aquarius, the 11th house, is very favourable though it has limited advantage. Taking all these into consideration the first half of the year 2007 will be proved to cause mixed results. In the first half of the year family affairs will cause concern. Dispute amoung close relatives should be avoided. There shall be concern regarding children, with regard to their education, bad news about relatives, un wanted litigation, loss of wealth, ups and downs in business dealings, frequent illness, change of place, transfer to unwanted places, loss of honour, obstruction in travel plans, stress and strain in life, more expenditure, at times for auspecious events, loss due to undesirable relationships with opposite sex, this period is also prone to accidents. From 16th July 2007 and on wards relief could be experienced. Aspect of Jupiter to the 2nd house Taurus will help to reduce the hardships in financial maters and in family affairs. The ill effect of Saturn in the 4th house will also bse reduced to a great extent due to the aspect of Jupiter to the Cancer where in Saturn will bs in the first half of the year. The natives born in the sign of Aries need to cautious during this period Those running favourable dasa and sub-dasa peiod and having good yogas in their birth charts will have relief. However females will have samooth sailing in their family life, and look forward to a brighter future. Chanes of marriage for eligible persons are not foreseen, unless there are strong indications in their haroscopes during this period. Rsorting to remedial measures is sure to help in this regard. It is said that during the transit of Jupiter in the 8th house Ravana was defeated in the war against Ssri Rama and was killed in the battle field. But such events are rare and are subject to dasa and sub-dasa period and other related factors, and suject to Maraka Yoga. Look for a brighter future.



Thursday, December 14, 2006

TAURUS [Rishabha} Krithiga 2,3,4. Rohini, Mrigasira 1,3.
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, a fixed sign and an earth element. the sign is represented by the symbol Bull with horn, that jumps ferociously and also a submissive bull under the yoke. If the sign is associated or influenced by feminine Planets the native exibits feninine qualities. Rahu moved from Pisces to Aquarius and Ketu from Virgo to Leo respectively on 12-10-2006 and remains there throughout the year 2007. Saturn at present is in the sign of Leo and trnsits back to Canceer on 13-1-2007 and remains there till 16-7-2007, and moves to the fourth house Leo thereafter. Jupiter is in the 7th house Scorpio. The positioning of these planets gives benific results in the first half of the year. Seventh position of the Jupiter is very auspecious. Its aspect on the 11th house Pisces and 1st house Taurus and 3rdhouse Cancer are of favourable indications. Major favourable events will take place during the first half of the year. Due to the positioning of the Jupiter in Scorpio there shall be conjugal harmony, inflow of wealth, improved relationshiip with associats and partners. Aspet to 1st house will lead to personal well bseing and life style improvements, this inspite of adverse effect of Saturn. Delayed marriages will take place. This is time for eligible persons to get married.
Saturn moves bask to Leo on 16-7-2007, the fourth house to Taurus. This and its aspects will cause worry. During this period the health of mother needs special care. Relationship with family membsers may not be cordial, health of father may sufer. There my be loss in investment and speculation, setbask in real estate dealings, expenditure for repairs to vehicles and accidents are also fore seen. Positioning of Rahu in the tenth house Aquarius is not favourable, and hence transfer to undesirable places, delay in promtion, anxiety, worry, and obstractions in professional matters are also indicated. It is said that Saturn in the 4th housse is half inauspecious as Saturn in the 8th house. Hence any activity for expantion of business and orther activities needs caution. The natives with favourable dasa and sub-dasa period in the horoscope will have bsetter time. During this period positioning of Saturn in the fourth house Leo conjunct with Ketu; and the position of Rahu in the tenth houe Aquarios, "Karma Sthaana", the house of work and profession, are no favourable indications. Stress and strain related work will manifest. To overcome the ill effects it is necessary to propitate the Planets Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.