Wednesday, January 31, 2007

SAGITTARIUS [Dhanus]: Moola, Poorvabhadra, Uthrashada 1:
This is the 9th Sign of the Zodiac, a common and Fiery Sign. The symbol of this Sign is half horse and half man, with a bow and arrow. The ruling planet of this Sign is Jupiter considered as the most beneficial planet. The natives born under this Sign are kind natured, sympathetic, enlightened with prophetic power. Jupiter the ruling planet of this Sign is in the 12th house Scorpio, and remains there till 22-11-2007, Rahu and Ketu are positioned in the 3rd house Aquarius and the 9th Sign Leo respectively. Saturn is positioned in the 9th house conjunct with Ketu in the Sign Leo and goes back to Cancer on 13-1-2007, and remains there till it reenters Leo on 16-7-2007, and remains there throughout the year and beyond. Saturn in the 8th house Cancer due to retrograde movement is not favorable till it moves to the Sign Leo on 16-7-2007. Jupiter that was in the 11th house Libra earlier is now in the 12th house Scorpio, and is not very favorable compared to the earlier period. Hence the results will be mixed. Rahu in the 3rd house Aquarius is favorable; Ketu in the 9th house will give mixed results. Taking all these factors into consideration, this year shall lie better than the previous few years. Professional advancement, inflow of more wealth, gain from speculation and investments, profit in business, commencement of new ventures, promotion in employment, transfer to desired locations, and new appointments will result to the natives. Out come from litigation will be favorable. The second half of the year will be better than the first half of the year. Students will succeed in their examinations. Those who are running favorable dasa and sub-dasa period will have their long standing desires fulfilled be it financial or other activities... Marriages will take place for eligible persons. Due to the positioning of Saturn in the 7th and in the 8th houses during the past years the natives were under pressure during the past four to five years. Now relief could be experienced... Jupiter aspects the fourth house Pisces, its ruling Sign. Consequently mother’s welfare will improve, there shall be benefit from vehicles, construction of new house or improvements to the existing houses are also foreseen. There shall be improvement in the sphere of politics, favors from Government, cooperation from partners, cordiality in the family and friends circle will also results. Aspect to the 6th house Taurus will result in overcoming obstructions in the professional fields; long standing disputes will be settled in favor of the natives. Chronic illness will be cured. Jupiter aspects the 8th house, Cancer and the malefic effect of the Saturn positioned there in the first half of the year in Cancer shall be nullified There shall be cordiality between husband and wife relations. The natives will overcome the competition in business and professional field. There shall be pilgrimage to holy places, participate in auspicious events in the family circles. Prospects of marriage to eligible persons are bright.
. It is also necessary to take into account that position of Jupiter in the 12th house Scorpio at times it may cause unfavorable situations, unexpected expenditure, and undesirable relationships with opposite sex may cause disadvantage in social status. There may be dislocation in profession, and unnecessary travel. It is said that Ravana of Ramayana was defeated in the fight against Sri Rama, and was killed in the war, during the transit of Jupiter in the 12th house. This will not happen to all natives born under the Moon Sign of Sagittarius. There are several other contributory factors to be considered in this behalf. How ever those natives running malefic dasa and sub dasa period are advised to be cautious. Hence it is advised to take appropriate remedial measures to over come ill effects. Good Luck in the New Year.

CAPRICORN {MAKARA] Uthrashada, 2, 3, 4, Sravana, Dahnishta 1, 2.
This is the tenth Sign of the Zodiac, a cardinal and Earthy Sign. The symbol is wild goat. Those born under this Sign are tend to be independent, persistent, and are materialistic in their out look Saturn is the ruling planet of this Sign. Saturn is in the Sign Leo, and moves back to Cancer on 13=1=2007 and again move back to Leo the 8th Sign on 16-7-2007. Jupiter is in the 11th house Scorpio, and this position is a great relief to the natives born in the Moon Sign of Capricorn. Due to these transits relief could be experienced. However the position of Saturn in the 7th house Cancer and 8th house Leo conjunct with Ketu is not favorable and may cause adverse results depending up on the dasa and sub dasa period running for the natives at this period. Due to the position of Saturn the favorable results of Jupiter is reduced. And the presence of Jupiter in the 11th house the malefic effect of Saturn is also reduced. The positioning of Rahu in the 2nd house Aquarius and Ketu in the 8th house are also not favorable. The only saving grace is the positioning of Jupiter in the friendly 11th house Scorpio. There fore the experiences will be mixed. The major planets Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are adversely placed and the only solace is the favorable Jupiter. As sated earlier those running favorable dasa and sub dasa period will benefit, those running malefic dasa and sub dasa period will have to face hardships, depending upon the movement of other planets during this year. Due to the malefic effects of the planets the natives will suffer ill health, loss of wealth, dispute in the family, partners and associates. Investments will not yield gainful results, migration to other places shall not be advantageous, aimless wandering, accidents while traveling, transfer to unwanted places denial of promotion, loss of reputation, misery, fear, worry and involvement in criminal cases, unnecessary expenditure are to be experienced by the natives running unfavorable dasa period. Females working in the kitchens should be cautious, to avoid fire accidents. Some natives may have to under go specialist treatment due to health problems. In certain instances there may be loss of life to the relatives of the natives. There shall be professional set backs, agriculturists will suffer loss of crops due to want of rain and fall of production and low prices. Students will have to devote more time and attention to secure good grades in their studies. It will be difficult to get jobs to the unemployed. Unhelpful attitude of subordinates and colleagues nay prevail. Malefic effects will be more intense during the second half of the year compared to the first year. Year the situation will not get out of control due to the position of Jupiter in the 11th house. Marriages to eligible persons will take place provided there is favorable positioning of planets in their horoscopes. Similarly those having yoga in their birth charts and running favorable dasa and sub dasa periods can expect to enrich their wealth, improve their health, gain political power, and expect favor from the Government. To improve the situation it is necessary to undertakes remedial measures, particularly for the planet Saturn. Good Luck in the New Year.
AQUARIUS. {Kumbha] Dhanishta 3,4, Satabisha, Purba 1,2,3.
Aquarius is the 11th Sign of the Zodiac and is a fixed and airy Sign. This Sign signifies that the natives
will exhibit qualities of modesty, individualistic nature and prudence At the beginning of the new year Saturn, the ruling planet of this Sign is positioned in the 7th house Leo, conjunct with Ketu. Jupiter is in the 10th house Sscorpio, and Rahu in the 1st house Aquarius. These four planets are not positioned in favorable houses. Hence those running favorable dasa, sub dasa period and having good yoga in their birth charts only can expect to experience tolerable results... Since Saturn is the ruler of the Sign Aquarius much malefic effects may not take place. However Saturn moves back to Cancer, the 6th house on 13-1-2007 and remains there till it transits back to Leo and joins Ketu on 16=7=2007. Therefore the ill effects of Saturn in the 7th house are reduced to a considerable extant during this period. In the first half of the year there shall be moderate favorable experiences in life. Health shall be normal, there shall be profit in business, and cordial relations with partners and associates. The natives can expect promotions, postings to desirable places, jobs for unemployed. and favor from the Government. Purchase of jewelry and household articles, and immovable property, construction houses, is also fore seen. Favorable settlement of court cases, celebration of auspicious events in the family, marriage to eligible individuals, child birth could also take place. During the second half of the year the period will not be favorable to the natives, due to the positioning of Saturn in the seventh house Leo. However due to the positioning of other planets not mentioned here in the natives may feel relief. There may not be cordial relations in the family, yet caution is needed in dealing with colleagues, partners, and associates. Ill health to husband / wife, unwanted dispute with neighbors, non-cooperation form subordinates, loss in investments, is also to be experienced. There shall be fear from snakes and other reptiles. One should be cautious to avoid accidents during travel and form fire. The aspect of Jupiter to various houses will help to tide over any crisis. Due to its aspect to the second house Pisces family relations and income will be normal. The period will be helpful to the practitioners of law, lecturers, and orators. There shall be peaceful atmosphere in the family circle. The aspect to other houses by Jupiter will also create favorable results. Depending on the strength of the birth chart there shall be auspicious events in the family like marriage and child birth Pilgrimage to holy places, improvement in education and advancement in politics are also foreseen. Since the planetary position is not favorable it is advised to take appropriate remedial measures to over come malefic effect. Best wishes for a New Year.
PISCES [Meena}:Poorvabhadra 4, Uttarabhadra, Revati.
Pisces is the 12th Sign of the Zodiac, is a common and watery Sign, the symbol being a pair of fish. Jupiter is the ruling planet and hence an auspicious Sign and the natives born under this Sign are sincere enlightened yet duel natured individuals. At the beginning of the of this year Saturn is in the 6th house Leo, there after on 13-1-2007, it moves back to Cancer the 5th Sign, and then it reenters Leo on 16-7-2007. Jupiter is in the 9th house Scorpio, Rahu is in the 12th house Aquarius and Ketu is in the 6th house Leo. Except Rahu in the 12th house Aquarius all the other three planets mentioned here in favorable position. However the entry of Saturn to the 5th house Cancer is not very favorable. This may cause accidents during travel, theft of property, ill health, and unfavorable circumstances to the progress of children, educational and other affairs. However the position of Jupiter in the friendly 11th house Scorpio is sure to provide relief from malefic effects and Jupiter is also inspecting the 5th house Cancer where Saturn is positioned. There fore the natives need not worry about the position of Saturn in the 5th house, unless the dasa and sub dasa period in their birth chart is unfavorable. The transit of Saturn to Leo in the 2nd half of the yea will yield very good results. Ketu in the 6th house Leo is also favorable to the native. Combined result of the planetary position will result profit in business, progress in profession. Gain in industrial production good health cordial relations with family member, associates and associates. Peaceful atmosphere will prevail in the workplace, chronic diseases will be cured, marriage to eligible persons and child birth will take place; politicians artists, sculptures, lawyers, scientists, will advance in their respective fields. The position of Jupiter and Saturn two major planets in favorable houses is a very auspicious event. Pilgrimages to holy places, charitable works, establishing business and industrial undertakings will take place. Students will pass their examinations with distinction. Unemployed will get jobs, transfer to desired places, promotion will result. Honor in society, awards and rewards, fame and fortune will come to the natives. Construction of own houses, purchase of immovable property stating of new ventures, purchase of jewelry and other house hold articles, foreign travel will result to the natives. Jupiter is also inspecting its own house Pisces, and this will enhance the personal advancement to the natives in their endowers. Those running favorable dasa and sub dasa periods will experience exceptionally fortunate events in life. This is a period to celebrate in all respect. Best wishes for a prosperous New Year. .

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Monday, January 15, 2007

GEMINI:[Mithuna] Mrigasira,3,4 Aridra, Punarvasu 1,2,3.Gemini is he third sign of the Zodiac, is an Airy and common Sign represented by the symbol Twins; consequently the natives exhibit practical and ideal qualities, that is dual natured. Mercury is the ruling planet of this sign and the prosperity in the lives of the natives born under this Sign greatly depend upon the position of Mercury in their horoscopes.
So far it was a very bad period for the natives born under this sign, as they were under the spell of the seven and half years of sade- sathi of Saturn. On 31-10-2006 Saturn moved to the third house Leo. But again it moves back to Cancer due to retrogression on 13-1-2007, and remains there till it moves back to Leo on 16-7-2007. Jupiter is positioned in the sixth house Scorpio that is not a very favorable event. Rahu is in Aquarius, the ninth house of luck that is not very favorable. To some extent the position of Ketu is favorable. Hence till the Saturn transits to Leo on 16-7-2007, the situation is not bright. During this period the natives continue to experience negative results unless the dasa and sub-dasa periods and yoga as per the birth charts are favorable. Unnecessary expenditures, dispute with relatives, transfer to undesired places, leaving place of residence, aimless wandering, and enmity with neighbors, and illness to family members are foreseen during this period. The aspect of Jupiter to the tenth house Pisces will lessen the difficulties in professional affairs, and the aspect to the 12th house will enable the natives to tide over unwanted expenditure and the aspect to 2nd house Cancer where Saturn is positioned will reduce the intensity of ill effects. Marriages to eligible persons will take place, provided there is favorable planetary position in the horoscope of the concerned natives. This is a period where caution is needed in all activities. Saturn moves back to 3rd house Leo and from 16-7-2007 the natives can experience favorable results. Now they are off from the grip of Sade sathi.that was troubling them for a long time now a new spirit of life has dawned on them. Saturn in the 3rd house gives much needed strength to enter into new projects, business will prosper, associates and partners will co-operate, there will be harmony in the family life, and wealth will increase. Court cases will end in success. Artists and actors will get better recognition, and honor. Investments will yield better profits. Students will do well in their studies. Eligible persons will get married, and child birth in the family is also foreseen. Performing auspicious events in the family pilgrimages are also foresee. How -ever for the positioning of Jupiter in the 6th house and Rahu in the 10th house it is advised to seek remedial measures. . .

CANCER [ Kataka], Punarvasu 4, Pushaya and Asslesha. Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac, is a movable, watery and feminine Sign ruled by the fast moving important planet Moon. Natives born under this Sign are individuals of deep thinking with sympathy, kindness and sustaining capabilities. 8th Sign of the Zodiac, Scorpio is the debilitating Sign of the Moon and the ruler of Scorpio Mars are in debilitation in Cancer is the peculiarity of this Sign. Cancer is the exaltation Sigh of Jupiter, the 9th Sign of the Zodiac, resulting in the natives born under this Sign luckier, and amazes wealth and lead a life of prosperity. The past few years were not a favorable period for the Cancer born natives. The Saturn was in the 12th house Gemini and the 1st house Cancer. Now Saturn moved to the 2nd house Leo on 31-10-2006. Saturn that was causing much hardship in the 1st house though moved to the 2nd house .it again moves to the 1st house due to retro gradation, on 16-7-2007. Hence there shall be no change in the results due to the positioning of Saturn, as it continues to be in the 1st house till it moves to the 2nd house Leo on 16-7-2007. The positioning of Rahu in the 8th house Aquarius and Ketu in the 2nd house Leo are also not favorable to the natives. During this period the only silver lining is the positioning of Jupiter in the fifth house of Scorpio that is its friendly Sign. During this period health may cause concern and may need specialized treatment; transfer to undesirable places, delay in promotions, appointments getting delayed, loss in investments, increased debt, unnecessary travel, theft of vehicles and other properties, accident to vehicles, dispute with neighbors, litigations, loss of wealth could happen. Unless there is good dasa and sub- dasa period is running much benefit will not occur. Saturn’s transit to Leo .during the second half of 2007 will provide some relief to the natives of this Sign. The seven and half year’s period of sade-sathy still continues to affect the life of the natives in various ways. The period is better than the previous period when Saturn was in the 1st house Cancer. This positioning gives the native some relief. Due to the positioning of Jupiter in it’s the friendly 5th house Scorpio the children of the natives will prosper in their studies and do well in examinations. The native will visit holy places and auspicious events will take place in the family circle. The aspect of Jupiter to 10th house Taurus will help to improve professional advancement and succeed in new enterprises. There is bright chances to acquire immovable properties and construction of own house. Business will also improve. Eligible persons will get married; birth of progeny is also foreseen. It is advised to propitiate the planet Saturn to ward off ill effects. Good luck in the New Year.
LEO [Simha]: Makham, Poorvapalguni, and Uthrapalguni 1. This is the fifth Sign of the Zodiac, a fixed and Fiery Sign. The natives born under this Sign are courageous, determined, yet compassionate persons
This is the Sign of the most powerful royal planet Sun, its positioning in a favorable houses in a birth chart is much advantageous for success in leadership qualities politics, Government affairs etc. in life. Saturn entered Leo on 31-10-2006, but moves back to Cancer the 12th Sign on 13-1-2007 and stays there till it again enters in to Leo on 16-7-2007. Positioning of Saturn in Leo is not favorable to the Leo natives. Positioning of Saturn in Cancer will continue to create set backs in the life of the natives. This is the middle period of seven and half years of side- sathi period of Saturn that is the most malefic and hard to endure. Those who are running favorable dasa and sub-dasa period and good yoga as per their hodoscopes only can over come the malefic effects. There shall be loss of wealth combined with decrease in income, ill health, and dispute with neighbors. The positioning of Saturn particularly in the first house Leo will provide more malefic effects, compared to any other Signs of the Zodiac. The individuals may have to migrate from the usual places of residence, transfers to undesirable locations, delay in promotion, draw back in education to students, unemployment, unnecessary litigation, loss to honor and set back in business and in professional affairs are also to be experienced Jupiter in Scorpio, the 4th house to Leo is also not helpful. However its aspect to the 8th house Pisces will mitigate ill health and difficulties that one may experience... Its 7th aspect to Taurus the 10th house will reduce malefic effects relating to professional matters and the aspect to Cancer the 9th house of Jupiter will also cause to better the income in difficult periods. There is the possibility of conducting auspicious events such as conducting marriages and pilgrimage to holy places. Eligible persons may have chances of getting married and migrating to other places, to set pup a new life. Some of the natives will borrow money to construct houses of their own. Now considering the position of Rahu, its position in the 7th house Aquarius is not favorable; 7th house is the ‘kalathra’ sthana the house connected with husband wife affairs. The natives needs to careful to in maintaining cordial relations with each other. During this period dispute with family members and associates may cause frustrations. Relationship with females shall not be cordial. Loss due to theft may also occur. Loss of position in society to the natives could also be experienced. Personal accidents due to fire, vehicles, other causes may also occur. As the three malefic planets are in adverse position extra carefulness in every aspect is necessary. Those natives running favorable dasa and sub-dasa period and good yoga could overcome the malefic effect considerably. It is said that during the transit of Jupiter in the fourth house Dharnaraja yudhishtira lost his kingdom and went to forest and faced many difficulties. But all the natives will not suffer due to the positioning of Jupiter in the 4st house. It depends upon the other factors like dasa and sub dasa period and other position of the planets in the birth chart. The natives are advised to seek appropriate remedial measures to ward off the ill effects of the planets during the period. Good luck in the New Year .
VIRGO [Kanya}:.Uthar Palguni, 2, 3, 4; Hastha, Chitra 1, 4.
Virgo is the sixth Sign of the Zodiac and is a common and Earthy Sign. The symbol is Celestial Virgin where in Mercury is in exaltation and is also the ruler. This Sign signifies intellectual and imaginative traits. Compared to all other Signs the natives of this Sign are affectionate in nature with helpful attitude at heart. They are the best human beings. They are brilliant orators and many lawyers and other professionals that require oratory skills are born in this Sign. Earlier Jupiter was in the second house Libra, and Saturn. In the eleventh house Cancer and that was a very favorable period in all respects to Virgo natives. Saturn moved to Leo on 1-11-2006 and is in Leo at the commencement of the year 2007. However it moves back to Cancer on 13-1-2997 and will remain there till 16-7-2007, and moves back to Leo, the 12th house. The entry of Saturn to Leo marks the commencement of a seven and half year period of Saturn’s sade sathi, the most unfavorable period of the transit of Saturn. However its reentry to Cancer is a relief from adverse effects till it reenters Leo on 16-7-2007. Now Jupiter is in the third house Scorpio .that is not favorable. And the position of Ketu in the 12th house Leo is also not favorable. Rahu in the sixth house Aquarius is in a favorable position. Due to these changes the natives will experience, mixed results during this year. The second half of the year will be more unfavorable than the first half of the year due to the transit of Saturn from the 11th house to the 12th house. The experiences prevailing prior to November 2006 will more or less continue during the first half of the year 2007... There after due to the presence of Saturn in the 12th house Leo there shall be set back in the professional activities, obstructions I
In endeavors, disputes with associates and family members, unwanted litigations, are also fore seen. The income may affect with more expenditure, investments will not be satisfactory. In spite of the malefic effect of Saturn and other planets, during this period the aspect of Jupiter to the 7th house Pisces will result in harmony in family life, husband wife relations will be cordial, partners in business and associates will be co-operative. The aspect to the 9th house Taurus will avoid much loss and favorable events will take place in the life of the natives... Its aspect to Cancer the 11th house is also favorable to the native. There shall be gain in various types of transactions.. How ever it is necessary to mention that Saturn also aspects other house and under this influence the natives will face hardships, occasionally. The influence of other planets during the year also will have its influence good or bad. As stated earlier due to the influence of the aspect of Jupiter and other planets there shall be accumulation of wealth, improvement in health, students will get through in examinations and will get admission to desired institutions. Eligible persons have a bright chance to get married. Loans from financial institutions could be raised to construct houses. All the favorable results predicted here are subject to the period is under good dasa and sub dasa period of Yogakaraka planets. Professional like engineers, accountants, medical practitioners, and financial consultants will prosper. Unemployed persons seeking jobs have a good chance to succeed. Transfer to desired places will also result. It is again stressed that the above results is subject to running favorable dasa and sub dasa period and the position of planets in the horoscope of the concerned persons. It is necessary to propitiate Saturn and Ketu to ward off the negative effects of the said planets, and to gain prosperity. Refer to the forth coming monthly predictions in this series. Best wishes for the New Year. . LIBRA [Tula]: Chithra, 3, 4, Swathi, Vishaka 1, 2, 3.
This is the seventh Sign of the Zodiac, movable and Airy. The symbol of this Sign is the Balance, that signifies justice, sensitiveness, and intuitive in nature. Being the ruling Sign of Venus is the causative planet for artistic and materialistic qualities. The natives are endowed with capacity to be successful in amazing wealth and prosperity in life. Jupiter is in the 2nd house Scorpio, Saturn is at present is in the 11th house but moves back to 10th house Cancer on 13-1-2007 and reenters Leo on 16-7-2007. Rahu is in the 5th house Aquarius and Ketu in the 11th house Leo. Till Saturn reenters Leo on 16-7-1007, its position in
Cancer is not favorable. However the position of Jupiter in the 2nd house Scorpio is very auspicious. The ill effect of Saturn in the house of work/ profession is off set to a very great extent. However caution is necessary in all activities during this period. that in the first half of the year/ The position of Jupiter in the 2nd house Scorpio and there after in its ruling Sign Sagittarius is the commencement of a new era in he life of the natives with Moon Sign Libra, while Saturn remains in the 11th house Leo. Rahu in the 5th house is not favorable, but Ketu in the 11th house is favorable. Taking all this into consideration the New Year 2007 will be a very prosperous year. Due to these transits the natives will get increased in income, health will improve, long pending litigation and disputes will be solved to the advantage of the natives. Investments will yield good returns. Professionals in the field of Engineering, Medicine will be benefited. It is the progressing period for the Advocates and Accountants. Artists, Musicians, Sculptures, Painters and persons in allied professions will flourish in their occupation... Construction of dwellings and other buildings will also take place. Investments and speculations will also be beneficial. Students will pass their examinations with distinction. Unemployed will get jobs. Transfer to desired places will be a reality. Promotions could be expected. Marriages will take place for the eligible natives. Child birth could be expected. The natives will have more interest in religious affairs. Auspicious events like marriages will take place in the family circle. Travel on pilgrimage will also be there... Females will acquire jewelry and house hold articles. Subject to the results of their own birth charts, children of the natives need to be taken care of. The aspect of Jupiter to the 5th house Pisces is advantageous to the natives, so is its aspect to the 8th house Taurus and 10th house Cancer... Best wishes for the New Year. . . ..
SCRPIO [Vrichika]: Visaka, 4; Amerada, Jest.
This is the eighth Sign of the Zodiac, fixed and watery Sign. The symbol is as the name indicates is scorpion. Characteristic of the natives born under this Sign are sincere, courageous, hard working and generous. For the Scorpio born natives Jupiter is in the 1st house, Saturn is in the 10th house Leo conjunct with Ketu, and Rahu is in the 4th house Aquarius. The presence of so many important planets in the above mentioned houses signifies important events in the life of all the natives and Scorpio born natives are no exception. The presence of Jupiter in the Jana Rasi, first house and Saturn in the 10th house conjunct with Ketu indicates malefic experiences for the natives. During this period trails and tribulations will be the order of the day. Loss of status, reputation, honor in society, transfer to unfavorable locations, denial of promotion, hostile attitude of relatives and associates, ill health, separation from near and dear ones, failure in new undertakings, mental agony, and unnecessary fear shall be the experiences for those born under the Moon Sign Scorpio till the year end. On 13-1-2007 Saturn, that is now in Leo moves back to 9th house Cancer, and remains there till it moves back to Leo on 16-7-2007. The positioning of Saturn in the 9th house will not be of any relief. The prime factor is the Jupiter to cause malefic effects in the 1st house... Unless the dasa and sub dasa period as per the birth chart is favorable there shall not be any relief from adverse experiences. Hence till the Jupiter moves to Sagittarius on 23-11-3007, the period shall be troublesome. During this period auspicious events like marriages are ruled out to the natives. However the aspect of Jupiter to various houses and the transit of other planets to favorable houses during this period will mitigate the hardships. Children of the natives will fare well in examinations, provided their birth chart indicates favorable results. There shall be cordiality in the husband wife relationships. Friends and partners will be helpful at certain occasions; whish shall be a great relief. Favorable experiences will be felt at times. The native may visit holy places. Yet this is not a good period to enter into new ventures that needs financial investment. This is a period to be cautious in all affairs to make life tolerable. There shall be set back in business transaction, and in professional fields. Accidents, trouble from fire, setbacks in health condition, hospitalization are also foreseen for some of the natives. There shall be dispute with neighbors. Involvement in litigations shall not be beneficial. Loss in investments, unnecessary expenditure, travel with out any benefit, loss of employment, and denial of promotion will have to be experienced. The presence of yoga and running of favorable dasa and sub-dasa period will reduce the ill effects. It is said that Sri Rama of Ayodhya went to forest and faces many hardships during the transit of Jupiter in the first house. But all these will not happen to every one born in the Moon Sign of Scorpio. Other factors also contribute for events to take place as stated earlier. It is necessary to take proper and adequate remedial measures to over come the harmful effect during this period.
Good luck during the New Year.
